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At our church, we believe in the power of fellowship and community. There is a variety of ministries for members of our congregation to explore and be a part of. These include a Korean ministry, a Spanish ministry, a young adult ministry, a children's ministry.

 Each of these ministries are tailored to the needs of a specific group, offering resources, events and activities to foster spiritual growth and community. 

The Well's Toddler Ministry

At The Well we have a dedicated toddlers ministry. We believe it is extremely important to raise up the next generation in God's word and truth. Childcare is provided from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Feel free to drop of your children so you can comfortably go into the worship service.



저희 교회는 미 하나님의 성회 (ASSEMBLIES OF GOD) 소속으로 
1980년도에 휴스턴의 성시화를 위해 하나님의 인도로 설립되었습니다.

이제 청년기를 지나고 있는 저희 교회는 말씀운동과 성령운동의 두 날개의 건전한 조화로 하나님의 부흥을 맛보며 새롭게 비상하고 있습니다. 

저에게는 소망이 있습니다.
휴스턴 순복음교회에서 모두가 주님을 만나 구원의 기쁨을 누리고 주께서 주신 사명을 따라 살아가게 되어 행복하다는 고백을 듣는 것입니다. 

휴스턴 순복음교회는 예수 안에서 생명을 주고 사랑을 주고 꿈을 주는 교회가 될 것입니다.

Little Disciples

We are the Full Gospel Church of Houston's Children Ministry from Kinder to 5th grade. We as Little Disciples, emphasize the importance of knowing and encountering God in the early age of life. That being the goal, we disciple and teach our children with biblical principles and teachings from the Bible to seek spiritual growth in our children from a young age. We show a genuine love of Christ to our community and would gladly welcome you to be a part of us to share the love furthermore.


Alive Youth

ALIVE (Always Living In View of Eternity) Youth Ministries Exist to reach students of all nations, CONNECT students with Christians that SERVE all generations, and mature students in their Identities in Christ in order to glorify God.


CALS is where students will experience thier first social society. Teachers look after each student with love and care, and teach while taking every experience as an opportunity for growth and development. CALS deeply believes that everyone has the greatest image created by God (His image) within them, and promises to discover and grow each child's character and talents as our mission.


The Well

1520 Witte Rd, Houston, TX 77080


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