Our Pastor
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He studied at New York University and majored in Biology. In 2012, he served as a student missionary in Turkey for one year and afterwards served the Full Gospel Church's Youth Ministry for 3 years. Afterwards he and his family moved to Korea for missionary training to become long term missionaries for the Syrian refugees. But after his training, God gave Pastor Paul and his family a heart to serve The Well to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ and to see The Well grow in leadership and ownership over the church. Pastor Paul has a lovely wife named Hannah, and has three beautiful daughters Joy (8), Soyul (4), Siyoung (2). He loves greasy food and enjoys basketball. In his spare time he likes to watch some good T.V shows and movies. Pastor Paul's favorite verse is John 15:13 "Greater love has none than this, that someone lay down their life for their friends".